How to build a website when you can’t afford a web designer

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sarah and team
with sincerity

Building a website is key to your businesses success, but how do you build a proper one when you can’t afford a web designer?

Building a website when you can’t afford a web designer is actually quite simple – even if you have 0 design direction or web development experience. There are 5 main things you need to do in order to build a successful website yourself:

  1. Make sure you have a brand in place. Building a brand is less expensive than building a website, but just as important. Make sure you have your colors, logos, and fonts all in place. If you’re in need of one, contact us here and say you came from this blog post – we’ll give you 10% off!
  2. Once your brand is in place, secure your website domain name. I recommend Google Domains because it’s cheap, reliable, and easy to point to your newest website.
  3. After securing your domain, it’s now time to build a proper website! So… how do you build one?! We recommend signing up for a Showit Account and then purchasing a Showit template. With Showit being a drag-and-drop platform, it’s easy to edit and design yourself, all while having little to no design and development experience.
  4. Once your template is purchased, Showit will set up your domain name and your blog. Yep, you read that right! Make sure to check the box that says you want them to set it up for you when signing up and you’ll be on your way. In the meantime, you can edit your colors, fonts, copy, and imagery. If you’re in need of any extra help, check out this website.
  5. It’s time to launch! After perfecting your newly customized template, you’re ready to launch your site. Hit “publish” in the top right corner and voila! Pop that champagne because you’re now officially in business.

If you’re in the market for a new website but you’re on a budget, building one through Showit with a template is the cheapest way to go. If you’ve found that you’d rather not do all the work yourself, contact us here and we can chat about a more custom solution.


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