Is Showit good for SEO?

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sarah and team
with sincerity

As a Showit website designer, one of my specialties is setting your website up for success when it comes to SEO ranking. Because of this, a common question I get asked is: Is Showit good for SEO?

My short answer is yes – see why below!

Image Filename

Showit allows you to change each image file name in accordance to what you want to rank for on Google. You can change these by going under “SEO Title” for each image.

In order for Google to understand the content of your images on your website, you need to write good filenames.

Here’s an example: You have a product image of a t-shirt with the text “Show It” written across it, but you’ve named this image file something like “s3_logo_small.png” – which doesn’t make much sense unless you’re familiar with how Amazon S3 works (and I’m not). Google might think that this is just an old logo from some software system and will ignore it entirely because they don’t know what’s inside it!

To avoid confusion like this, we recommend using descriptive names for your images that tell search engines what they are and where they live so they can crawl them correctly. For example: Instead of naming an image “logo” or “small” as in our previous example, try something more specific like “ShowIt_Logo_Small8x8px1bwpng” or even better yet–use human language! If you have multiple sizes available for download (like PNGs) it may be helpful to name each file accordingly so users can find what size fits their needs best without having to guess which one might work best based solely upon its filename length alone (which could be misleading if someone isn’t paying attention closely).

Image Alt Text

It’s important for you to use the image alt text on your website. Alt text allows you to describe what an image is about, which can help with SEO and accessibility. Luckily, Showit has this programmed in right under the image file name.

Image alt text is used on the web to tell visitors what an image is about, even if they have images turned off or are using a screenreader. This means that if someone comes across your post or page and doesn’t have access to the images, there will still be context provided by this description of the image in question. It also helps when people search for content related to something on your site — their results might include a photo of yours alongside other relevant content!

Title Tags

The title tag is the title of a web page that appears as the first line of search engine results. It should be a concise description of the page’s content, and it should also include your target keyword(s). For example, if you’re creating an article about where to eat in New York City, you might use “Best places to eat in New York City” as your title tag. Showit allows you to edit this in their page menu, making it incredibly easy to check off your list!

When optimizing for SEO purposes, it’s important to make sure your titles are unique for each page on your website. Otherwise, you risk confusing Google and losing out on valuable traffic from its search engine results pages (SERPs). So even though it would be tempting to reuse “Best places” as a title tag over multiple articles about cuisine in NYC—and thus boost traffic from people searching for this phrase—you shouldn’t do it! Titles are one aspect no one wants ignored when looking for information online; so don’t risk diluting their effectiveness by using them more than once throughout multiple pages.

Meta Description

Meta descriptions are a unique opportunity to provide your audience with information about your website or blog. This can be useful for helping people understand what you offer, which can then encourage them to click on the link in their search results and visit your page. Showit allows you to edit each page’s meta description in their page menus.

SSL Certificate

You may be wondering what an SSL certificate is and why it’s so important for SEO. Well, let me tell you!

An SSL certificate (Secure Sockets Layer) is a type of digital identification that ensures the security of your website. When someone visits your site using an HTTPS connection, they’re more likely to trust it and stay on longer—which means more time spent on your site = better SEO!

Getting an SSL certificate can be tricky…and if you don’t do it right, there are consequences like penalties from Google and loss of customer trust. Luckily Showit makes sure their content creators have everything they need by setting up the SSL certificate for them automatically.

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  1. […] meta tags, titles, and descriptions. To learn more about SEO optimization through Showit, view our blog post about it here. To learn more about SEO optimization, you can visit […]

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